How To Make Pasta
Homemade pasta. There's nothing quite like it. Once you've tried the real thing, you'll never go back to buying the dried stuff ever I again. I promise.
Fresh pasta is a lot quicker and simpler to make than you'd think and, what's more, you can freeze it, so you can have a constant supply to dip into whenever you want. All you need is a food processor and a pasta machine, which can be found in most supermarkets or online for between £5-£15. This recipe has just three ingredients - eggs, olive oil and flour - so it won't break the bank either!
I made pasta for the first time when I went home for Reading Week last term. The whole family got involved and the satisfaction and pride we got from making something so tasty completely from scratch was awesome.
Fresh Pasta
Serves 4
1 free-range egg
3 free-range egg yolks
2 tbsp olive oil
pinch salt
For the pasta, place the flour in a bowl or on a work surface, and make a well in the centre. Add the egg, yolks, half the oil and a pinch of salt. Firstly with a fork and then with your hands, gradually mix the flour with the eggs and oil until you obtain a rough paste. If necessary, add a splash of water.
Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface for a few minutes until it is smooth, no longer sticky. Cover with a cloth and leave to rest for 15–30 minutes. Divide the dough into quarters and wrap in a damp cloth. Allow to rest for about an hour in a cool place.
On a floured work surface, flatten 1 dough piece. Using a pasta machine, feed the dough through the widest setting, then feed through the same setting 3 more times. Change to the second-widest setting and feed the pasta sheet through twice. Repeat this pattern until you reach the thinnest setting, lightly dusting with flour as necessary, then feed the pasta sheet through once; lay the pasta sheet on a lightly floured kitchen towel. Repeat with the remaining dough pieces.
At this point you can turn the pasta into whatever shape you like. Below is the way to make tagliatelle but please experiment!
Set the pasta machine to the "tagliatelle" setting and feed the sheets through the machine. Curl the tagliatelle into portion sized nests and set aside on a well floured surface until needed.
Fresh pasta is a lot quicker and simpler to make than you'd think and, what's more, you can freeze it, so you can have a constant supply to dip into whenever you want. All you need is a food processor and a pasta machine, which can be found in most supermarkets or online for between £5-£15. This recipe has just three ingredients - eggs, olive oil and flour - so it won't break the bank either!
I made pasta for the first time when I went home for Reading Week last term. The whole family got involved and the satisfaction and pride we got from making something so tasty completely from scratch was awesome.
Fresh Pasta
1 free-range egg
3 free-range egg yolks
2 tbsp olive oil
pinch salt
For the pasta, place the flour in a bowl or on a work surface, and make a well in the centre. Add the egg, yolks, half the oil and a pinch of salt. Firstly with a fork and then with your hands, gradually mix the flour with the eggs and oil until you obtain a rough paste. If necessary, add a splash of water.
At this point you can turn the pasta into whatever shape you like. Below is the way to make tagliatelle but please experiment!
Set the pasta machine to the "tagliatelle" setting and feed the sheets through the machine. Curl the tagliatelle into portion sized nests and set aside on a well floured surface until needed.
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