Absolutely Amazing Almonds

Nuts. People tend to love them or hate them and I'm firmly on Team Love. They're brilliant! Grab a handful for a snack, scatter over your porridge over your salad over your fish or even better serve them with drinks before a dinner party...

I made these this weekend for two reasons. Firstly, I was holding a Spanish themed supper club and the best almonds in the world come from Spain, making them an ideal pre-dinner snack. Secondly, because, although you can buy similar ready-made at the supermarket, I always think homemade is best and lo and behold they were FANTASTIC! Who knew that making your own salt-coating and bittersweet-sugar-casing could be so easy and yet so tasty?! These nuts can be made within minutes and yet that will add so much to your evening so go on, give them a bash!

Absolutely Amazing Almonds

Almendras Saladas (Salted Almonds)

25ml water
1/2 tsp rock salt
100g almonds

Mix the water and the salt in a glass, stirring well until the salt has dissolved. Put the almonds in a dry wide pan over a high heat and toast until dark golden on both sides, this should take around 5 minutes. At this point pour over the salted water and mix thoroughly. The water should evaporate immediately with the high heat and form a thin salted crust over the nuts. These will keep in a glass jar for several months.

Almendras GarrapiƱadas (Caramelised Almonds)

100g almonds
100ml water
100g caster sugar

Put the almonds, sugar and water in a wide, heavy-based pan over a high heat. Bring to the boil and cook, stirring continuously for around 15 minutes. The sugar will melt into a light syrup, then it will thicken, then it will start to crystallise. Keep stirring until the the nuts are all coated in a darker brown syrup then pour out onto a sheet of greaseproof paper to cool down. Once cool enough to touch, break into individual nuts and serve.


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